04 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 I am grateful for the warm welcome I have received since I arrived in the summer of 2018 to become President and Vice President of The University of Hong Kong. Since then, I have witnessed across our campus many examples of excellence at work – our outstanding teachers, dedicated researchers, dynamic students – and come to know and value our keen and supportive alumni and friends, in the community and abroad. I greatly appreciate everyone's well-wishes. The University of Hong Kong is rich in history and tradition, and will continue to forge a unique identity in our community and in the international arena. We will be innovative and entrepreneurial to find solutions and create new knowledge. We will build the four towers of the Tech Landmark that will serve as the headquarters for our new institutes and innotech developments. At the same time, we will continue to provide world-class education, scholarship and research. And we will extend our rapidly growing collaborative networks while simultaneously seeking new cross-disciplinary partnerships with the best universities in the world. We are coming upon an exciting year for growth. The Government Matching Grants Schemes offer us a great opportunity to double the support we already receive and help us expand our efforts to serve and succeed. I wish to thank all HKU Foundation Members, not least Chairperson Professor Rosie Young, Deputy Chairmen Dr Colin Lam, Professor C F Lee, Dr Patrick Poon as well as Members of the Board of Directors. You have been our staunch supporters and have enabled us to take bold strides for HKU. Now let us embrace the possibilities together. Professor Xiang Zhang President and Vice-Chancellor The best way to be ahead of the curve is to define the curve ourselves. We must strive to maximize our potential for achievement and leadership with, for example, the creation of a national laboratory in the Greater Bay Area. We wi l l create a power ful talents hub that will increase our impact in Greater China, Asia and beyond. HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 05 President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 自去年七月履任校長以來,收到很多誠摯的歡迎,令我 如沐春風。校園內,我親眼見證了這所大學的卓越 — 傑出的教師隊伍,專業盡責的研究團隊,思維活躍的同 學;校園外,我接觸到許多熱心支持大學發展的校友及 各方友好,我很珍惜這因著大學而建立的情誼,並衷心 感謝各位送上的美好祝福。 香港大學歷史悠久,傳統深厚,未來仍將在社群及國際 舞台中扮演獨特角色。 我們要發揮大膽創新和創業精神,去解決問題, 創造新知。即將落成的四座 Tech Landmark ,將成 為新研究所和創新科技發展的中心。在繼續提供 世界一流的教育及學術研究的同時,我們也迅速 擴展合作網絡,尋求世界一流高校間的跨學科合 作。 未來一年的發展令人振奮,政府配對補助金計劃 將捐贈翻倍,助力大學的發展宏圖,更好的服務 社群,實現卓越。 衷心感謝所有的基金會員,尤其是基金主席楊紫 芝教授、副主席林高演博士、李 搜 芬教授、潘燊 昌博士以及董事局成員。各位的鼎力支持,與港 大一起寫下了輝煌的歷史,今天,讓我們一起擁 抱更繽紛燦爛的未來。 張翔教授 校長 在比賽中保持領先最好的方式是自 己來定義比賽規則。我們必須竭盡 所能去實現夢想,領袖群倫,比如 在大灣區建立國家實驗室,匯聚一 流的人才,將大學的影響力輻射大 中華、亞洲,乃至全球。