HKU Foundation Annual Report 2019/2020

02 Year 2020 is very special for all of us – for the first time the HKU Foundation's Annual General Meeting could not be held face to face. This Annual Report of 2019/20 is therefore all the more important as we celebrate your generous gifts in the past year and their impacts at the University and beyond. I applaud the magnanimous acts of yours when you, as individuals or corporations, rushed to give to various corners to the community, supporting the medics, boosting research, providing relief and aid to the needy sectors during these unusual times. Please know that your gifts made to HKU are particularly significant and share the pride when our professors and students are also at the forefront contributing their utmost. Your gifts also coincided with two matching grants – the 8 th Government Matching Grant as well as the Research Matching Grant Schemes – and the impacts are immediately multiplied. My Board of Directors and I would like to thank every benefactor, as each gift has opened a door to new opportunities for students and professors, for scholarship and research. You have enabled the University, the citadel of knowledge, to grow, advance and build a formidable tomorrow. I would like to thank alumni and friends who donated to iGift, the fundraising initiative that conjured up wonderful moments at the University's Main Building. The signature scarf, with the pattern of the tiles laid along the walkways of the century-old heritage building, reminds us how we have always weathered the storms and emerged stronger throughout history. As always, the Foundation has maintained a prudent approach to its investments, and achieved a return of 3.8% for fiscal year 2018/19. Going into the financial year 2019/20, markets have experienced extreme volatility, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic and the collapse of oil prices. In view of the uncertainties, the Foundation will keep to its disciplined investment strategy as the crisis is expected to stay for quite some time and even into 2021. The COVID-19 tsunami has posed unforeseeable challenges to us, but it has also united us in one goal – to make the world better. Nowmore than ever, The University of Hong Kong boldly leads with compassion, devotion and excellence. May I beseech you all, Foundation Members, to pledge your staunch support and stand with the University in these very trying times. Let’s fight a good fight together. Professor Rosie T T Young Chairperson LeaDingWiTh Compassion & exCeLLenCe 03 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20 Chairperson's Report 主席報告 We are united in one goal – to make the world better Professor Rosie Young and young alumni ’’ ’’