“Love After Love”《第一爐香》 Gala Premiere

Nov 2021

A Gala Premiere of the film “Love After Love” 《第一爐香》presented by the HKU Foundation was held on November 17, 2021.  With the generous support from the Foundation members, alumni and friends, the Gala raised $1.14M in support of Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Arts.

Directed by alumna and world-renowned director Ann Hui (許鞍華), this adaption of the short story written by yet another legendary Arts alumna Eileen Chang (張愛玲) stars Eddie Peng (彭于晏) and Sandra Ma (馬思純).

More details: https://www.giving.hku.hk/galaloveafterlove/

香港大學基金於十一月十七日晚舉行電影《第一爐香》慈善首映,共籌得 114 萬元。捐款將支持港大文學院全新的人文及數碼科技發展。

電影《第一爐香》改編自作家張愛玲成名作,是導演許鞍華繼 1984 年《傾城之戀》和 1997 年《半生緣》後,第三次改編張愛玲的作品。與張愛玲屬港大文學院兩代「師姐妹」的許鞍華形容:「有時我會諗,唔知張愛玲會點睇我,希望佢係鍾意啦。」


“Love After Love”《第一爐香》 Gala Premiere


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