Chairman’s Report 主席報告書 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 03 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 主席報告書 02 It is my pleasure to share with you the 2017-18 Annual Report of the HKU Foundation, which gives a snapshot of the Foundation’s progress over the past year and how it continues to transform lives in meaningful ways. T h e F o u n d a t i o n ’ s i n v e s t me n t s e x p e r i e n c e d a respectable year, due to a steady performance by the markets, generating a return net of 7.6 percent for the 2016-17 fiscal year. The Foundation will continue to exercise a prudent investment approach and careful management of members’ contributions. Many new major donations pledged in the past year are helping to enhance the University’s capabilities in many ways. The wide range of gifts included the largest single donation the University has ever received, that of $1.244 billion from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the establishment of the Centre for Clinical Innovation and Discovery (CCID) and the Institute of Cancer Care (ICC) at Grantham Hospital by our Medical Faculty. To support multidisciplinary experiential learning activities, Mr and Mrs Tam Wing-Fan made a gift of $100 million to establish an innovation wing, which will be named the “Tam Wing-Fan Innovation Wing” in recognition of their generosity, at the Faculty of Engineering. And continuing the legacy of the Loke Yew Scholarships, which were founded at the University in the 1910s, the Loke Foundation furthered its support by designating scholarships to benefit students of the Medical Faculty. Notable strides were also made in endowment giving for research, with fifteen new Endowed Professorships being established this year. I would particularly like to welcome the 144 new members to the HKU Founda t i on bene f ac tor s ’ f ami l y , and thank the 96 members whose memberships were upgraded from April to December 2017. This brings the number of Foundation members to 3,416. It was a remarkable year, full of celebration, and the year ahead will be one of change. Please join me in thanking Professor Peter Mathieson for his achievements at HKU and for giving his full support to the Foundation in its work. We wi l l con t i nue t o ensu r e t he HKU Founda t i on r ema i n s a de f i n i ng f a c t o r i n t he s u c c e s s o f t he University, as it has been since its establishment, and uphold its commitment to being a part of the next big advancements at HKU. I thank you for your continued dedication to the University and know all Foundation members will contribute whatever they can to HKU’s success as a research-led comprehensive university. Professor Rosie T T Young Chairperson 很榮幸在此向各位呈獻港大基金 2017-18 年度的年報, 分享基金過往一年的點滴,以及這點滴的力量所帶來的 改變。 首先, 2016-17 財政年度市場表現平穩,基金投資表現 理想,投資淨回報值為 7.6% 。未來,我們將繼續以審慎 穩健的投資理財方針,妥善管理會員的捐贈。 其次,基金在過去一年收到多筆大額捐獻承諾,這將有 助於大學實力的整體提升。在眾多捐贈項目中,以香港 賽馬會慈善信託基金捐贈的 12.44 億元數額最巨,這亦 是港大迄今收到的最大筆單項捐款。捐款將用作支持醫 學院於葛量洪醫院成立臨床創新及研發中心,以及癌症 綜合關護研究所。另外,譚榮芬伉儷捐贈 1 億元於工程 學院成立「創科翼」,旨在支持學生的跨學科體驗式學 習。創科翼將命名為「譚榮芬創科翼」,以答謝二人的 慷慨支持。同時,我們收到陸佑基金的捐款,這是始自 1910 年代的緣分,跨越一個多世紀延續傳承,惠澤新一 代醫學院學生。 此外,有賴各方捐助者對研究發展的不懈支持,今年我們 成立 15 項新的「明德教授席」。 過去一年碩果累累,慶典重重。未來,我們將面臨 新轉變、新的里程。本人謹此向馬斐森教授致以衷 心謝忱,感謝他為港大竭誠貢獻,及對基金會工作 鼎力支持。 港大基金是香港大學的堅強後盾,新的一年,我們繼續 緊守承諾,與港大攜手再創佳績。 本人謹代表港大基金,由衷地感謝所有會員一直的支 持,深信各位會繼續竭盡所能,推進港大成為一所卓越 的綜合研究型大學。 楊紫芝教授 主席 2017 年,我們很高興歡迎 144 名新 會員加入港大基金的大家庭,基金 會員總數已增至 3,416 名;同時感謝 96 名會員在 4 月至 12 月期間晉升會 籍,使基金會得以進一步發展。