President and Vice-Chancellor’s Message 校長獻辭 HKU FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT 2017/18 05 PRESIDENT AND VICE-CHANCELLOR’S MESSAGE 校長獻辭 04 Across the campus, the past year was one of continued realisation of the 2016-25 Vision: to become Asia’s Global University. Substantial progress has been made on the 3+1 Is of internationalisation, innovation and interdisciplinarity, all converging on impact. On internationalisation, those entering HKU will find a more dynamic and enriched student experience awaiting them. By 2022, we aim to enable 100% of our undergraduates to engage in at least one Mainland China and one overseas opportunity, be it a student exchange in Europe or North America, teaching in Vietnam, a social innovation project in Myanmar or a study tour in Shanghai. More than 9,000 students have expanded their academic and community service horizons by undertaking exchanges and other visits in 2016-17. Excellent examples of innovation on campus include our Dreamcatchers initiative, which supports the University’s entrepreneurial community, and also i Dendron, a new physical hub currently housing thirty start-up teams led by HKU students and young alumni. Innovation can also be seen in our learning spaces. E-learning at HKU, spearheaded by the Technology-Enabled Learning Initiative, is transforming how teaching and learning takes place, giving our teachers opportunities to develop new ways to teach and students new ways to learn. Our Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are opening doors to the outside world, bringing global learners into HKU classrooms. Anyone looking back on the many events and accomplishments of the past year cannot help but observe the passion and enthusiasm for the University that is shared by alumni, students, staff, and friends of HKU. This is what unifies HKU and assures it will continue to light the path to the brightest of tomorrows. On the interdisciplinary front, our flexible degree structure, pioneering Common Core Curriculum, and the incredible learning opportunities we offer students mean that they can engage with people beyond their own faculties, enabling them to build networks that prepare them for an increasingly interconnected world. At HKU, the 3Is converge on impact, which means making a difference to the world and to people’s lives. We need to ensure that impact is an outcome for all our academic and research activities. I believe we have the will and the way to make this University a great place for dedicated students and staff to contribute to improving our world for the well-being of all. On behalf of the University, I sincerely thank the Foundation for its support and thank you, its members, for your unwavering passion, dedication and kindness, and most of all for your belief in the University and its mission. New challenges lie ahead but with your continued engagement the University will rise to meet those challenges and strive for excellence. Professor Paul K H Tam Acting President and Vice-Chancellor 過去一年,港大繼續實踐「 2016-25 願景」,向著成為一所 「屹立亞洲、卓爾全球」學府的目標邁進,並在實現計劃 的三大策略-國際化、創新及跨學科教研方面,取得長 足進展,務求帶來積極的影響力。 在國際化領域,同學在進入港大之後,即可體驗充實而 多元的校園生活。我們期望到 2022 年,將為每名學生提 供一次負笈海外及內地學習的機會,例如遠赴歐洲或北 美交流,越南義教,到緬甸參與社區創新項目以至上海 考察。過去一年,有超過 9,000 名學生透過交流及其他外 訪活動,除了擴闊學術視野,也啟發惠及社會的決心。 創 新 領 域 的 項 目 計 有 : 致 力 提 倡 創 業 精 神 的 Dreamcatchers ,為創業的種子提供土壤的 i Dendron 。後 者為新設立的初創企業發展中心,三十支由港大學生及 年輕校友組成的初創團隊經已進駐,在這裡邁出實現 夢想的第一步。在教學方面,「科創習新」( Technology- Enabled Learning Initiative ),積極推動電子學習,為師 生提供嶄新的教學方法;更推出大規模開放在線課程, 打破區域界限,把全球有志學習的人士帶進港大課室。 回顧過去一年的活動和成績,我深 切感受到一衆師生、校友及各界友 好人士對港大的厚愛和熱誠。這股 力量把大家凝聚一心,燃亮未來璀 璨之路。 在跨學科領域,港大推行具彈性的學位修讀模式以及具 前瞻性的核心課程,學習的機會多元豐富,讓同學可與 不同專業的人士合作互動,建立人脈網絡,為適應瞬息 萬變、相互聯繫的世界作準備。 總括而言,憑藉推動國際化、創新及跨學科教研三大領 域,我們希望為世界帶來積極影響力,造福社羣。我們 會以影響力作為教研活動的果效宗旨,我深信港大具備 堅定的意志和實力,師生上下一心,共同協力改善世界。 本人謹代表香港大學,向港大基金及基金會員堅定不移 的支持及熱誠致以由衷謝意。尤以各位對港大的信任, 和大學使命的認同與支持。未來充滿新挑戰,有您們並 肩同行,港大定能迎接機遇,力臻佳績。 譚廣亨教授 署理校長 HKU Libraries Resident Therapy Dog – Jasper 港大圖書館「駐館治療犬」熊貓 (Jasper) Media Spring Reception 2018 2018 傳媒春茗